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Monday, September 16, 2013

Updates and Stuff!

This is a Blogger update! The next Gaming Corner Review for Saints Row IV is coming soon. I've gotten caught up in continuing to write Dynasty: Origins since I'm finding it quite fun. It's an awesome way for me to release my creativity.

For those of you that just now discovered this blog, Gaming Corner will have its own page indexing the different reviews I make for different games. I went ahead and made it despite only having two reviews so far so I wouldn't forget later. If possible, I might be doing 2-3 Gaming Corners a month. Maybe more.

Furthermore, if you're interested in giving my story a read, click on the Dynasty: Origins link in the navigation bar! Until then, I'll see you guys for the next update!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Miracle of Sound is Awesome!

I found out about this fun "gaming/movie musician" via the official Saints Row Facebook page when he made a dubstp song in dedication to the 4th game's Dubstep Gun. You can view his channel here!

Now, before you click that here button, let me show you some of my favorites! Hey, wait, you already clicked that button, didn't you? I'm alone in a room now. Sigh, just like every Friday. Oh well, Peter the Wonderful Whale, how about you listen to my favorites?

Peter: Do I have to?

Yes, yes you do! Now, I'll only show my top 3 gaming/movie kinds and then show off a couple of original pieces he's done.

----- Top 3 Gaming/Movie Music Videos by Miracle of Sound ----

1)  Niko, It's Your Cousin! (GTA IV)
This song's an awesome jewel about the ongoing internet joke of Niko's cousin, Roman, constantly calling Niko himself on various acts of crime to do menial things such as go bowling, go to Burger Shot or get drunk. I rather enjoyed this!

2) Dream of the Sky (Bioshock Infinite)
This is another gem that I absolutely adore, especially with the fact the tone changes several times seemlessly within it. It's related to the story within Bioshock Infinite, I believe (never actually played this yet) and it looks like it fits damn well.

3) Rise (The Dark Knight Rises)
This is related to the movie trilogy for Christopher Nolan's Batman. It's pretty awesome and quite a motivational piece of music. Give it a listen!

---- Some Original Pieces by Miracle of Sound -----

 1) Kickback
Kickback's quite the motivational rock song. Give it a listen and tell me if you think it's as awesome as I think it is!

2) Hammers in My Head
This is probably more of my favorite than Kickback since I find it catchier and more my style of music. What about you guys?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Dynasty Series Tumblr and Facebook!

Hi there, everyone! Sorry that I've been somewhat inactive lately, but I'm here today to tell you all that my story series, Dynasty, now has an official Tumblr as well as an official Facebook page.

The benefits to having a Tumblr is that once I get enough followers, I'll open an "Ask Character" portion of it - where you can ask any of the primary characters questions. This includes villains such as Baron Runo, Don Vinchi and Don Bortelli.

The official Facebook page is meant to keep fans up to date with uploads and whatnot. It also houses fanart that you can submit!

Dynasty Tumblr:
Dynasty Facebook:

I'll get back to posting my Review Corner series soon enough! Up next for Gaming Corner: A Written Review on Saints Row 4!
